Thursday, 18 October 2018


Why the grass yonder green?
Why are squirrels so keen?

The dew drops on leaves they shine,
Render beauty till the end of line

Why does the dog bark, why purr the cat,
With these and other musings, I sat,

Why does the cricket critter, why buzz the bee,
Who made this all, even you and me,

Why does the wind blow, why are hills and valley,
There's science and there's religion, but, why don't they tally,

Why men fight; to one another, why are they mean,
Answers, I will ever find, chances of that are lean...

Monday, 15 October 2018

My Mistakes...

Mistakes, ever-repeating, I make again and again,
And little do I suspect they will hide in night or rain;

They count, add, sum and pile,
When was I right? I know not, it has been a while;

A cool winter wind has come ashore,
I hope it blows away my worry chores;

All is well, they say, when the apple is in,
Where that apple, of my life has been?

Let me put all my good deeds in vain,
Oh! there, I made a mistake again...

Never Lose Hope...

What art thou if not thou dream,
Dark is the terra if not thou the light beam;

Stray not from the path ahead,
Let stones, rocks, make thy bed;

Many a hardships, on you, will take toll,
Hold it not, let roll the ball;

Giveth you, when God a reason, you ran,
Hold ground, steadfast, 'coz this will make you man...